Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Karate Kid "Daniel-son"

An amazing man in our little town, teaches Kenpo Karate to the kids...for FREE. He has 8 Black Belts in different disciplines, including TaeKwanDo. When he was a child, finances were tight for his family. A giving man with a Black Belt in Karate taught him for $10/month. The gratitude in his heart has lead to his very generous gift of his time and talents to our children. With gratitude in MY heart, thank you Mark!

Daniel has been working hard for about two months to earn his first Belt. Here you see the ceremony for his yellow belt:

Taking the white belt off. Placing it in the "L" position, symbolizing Love and Loyalty for family and his fellow Karate Instructors and classmates.

The new yellow belt is placed in front. They kneel and touch their foreheads to the belt...

With the new belt partially tied, he stands in front of the Instructor...

Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in - hold it...a gentle kick to the belt...

The Instructor finishes tying the new belt and gives him a hug.

Congratulations Daniel...we're so proud of you!!!


gmadennison said...

Oh, Daniel, we are so proud of you. You look wonderful in your dobohk. Keep up the hard work. In the years to come, you will be happy you did.

Hopie said...


CaryMac said...

That is so awesome! What a great guy! I love martial good for kids!

Thanks for sharing! Found the inspiration I needed tonight...Hope you're doing GREAT!