A Freeman Thanksgiving Reunion in WA State...

We had ALL 22 cousins together, so fun! Here you see us getting ready to sing a song for our family night lesson.

Ryan shared with all of the cousins what he's done to get ready to serve a mission. (He's the oldest one of them all and the first one to go.)

We played jungle basketball at the church after turkey dinner. Michael threw the winning shot for his team!

The boys did some wrestling and goofing off in Grandma's formal living room...uh oh...

Ryan, Tyler and Eric even helped put up the flag pole Christmas Tree made of lights with Grandpa.

Daniel and Michael loved Grandma's hideouts and dress-up props.

Andrea enjoyed playing Grandma's beautiful organ.

So much fun was had by all...Games, football, basketball, family pictures, good food and so much more.

The kids loved seeing all of their aunts, uncles, cousins and Grandma and Grandpa Freeman. Giggles and memories to remember forever. Thank you!!!